1. Are PD International products as good quality as the factory original parts?                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yes our products are of equal or higher quality than the original factory parts.


2. Does PD International offer any shipping discount programs?

  • Yes we have a program in place based on order value, please contact a sales associate for further program details 

3. Does PD International offer any volume discounts?

  • Yes we have a volume discount available please contact your sales associate for further details. 

4. Do PD Internationals OEM products fit exactly as the original factory parts without any modifications necessary?

  • Yes, all OEM replacement components are designed to be installed in the exact same manner as the original part without any modifications.

5. How many business days are required before and ordered part is shipped?

  • After order confirmation is received all parts are shipped out of the warehouse within 48 hours.
  • Delivery to the destination will vary upon destination and service level of shipping chosen.

 6. Does PD International sell to anyone?

  • No, we do not sell to end users of our products.
  • please see our website for a distributor in your area, if none is found please contact our sales staff for more details. 

7. Can PD International develop a new part application for a brand new vehicle?

Yes we can as long as a sample can be secured and the application is deemed to be for a model of sufficient sales volume. 

8. What is the warranty period on PD International products?

The typical warranty period is 12 months from the date of purchase of the original customer for more warranty details please view our warranty section of the website.


9. What type of service is available from PD international on its products?


Here at our head office we have a fantastic staff that will answer any questions asked from our distributors, dealers or end users of our products. If the question is of a technical nature we will consult with our factory engineers to come up with a satisfactory answer to each question